LifeBid Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to LifeBid Pty Limited ABN: 87 652 541 832 (LifeBid).


LifeBid is committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles as contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide a clear and concise summary of LifeBid’s approach to the handling of personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Our Privacy Policy appears on our website and we will also provide a copy of our current Privacy Policy to anyone who makes a request, free of charge.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to services offered by other companies or organisations, including any LifeBid customers or partners.


By using and/or accessing LifeBid websites, software or services, you will be deemed to have consented to LifeBid handling your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

What Is Personal Information?

Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) personal information is defined to mean information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

Personal information can include sensitive information. Sensitive information is defined as information or an opinion about a person’s race, ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political associations and trade associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health information, genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information, biometric information that is used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric identification and biometric templates.

Personal Information That We Collect And Hold

LifeBid collects, holds and uses personal information in order to provide and improve its websites, software and services. If we do not collect personal information, or the information provided is incomplete or inaccurate, we may not be able to provide our services or your use of our websites, software or services may be compromised.

We generally collect personal information in the following ways:

  • information that you give to us;
  • information that we get from your use of our websites, software and services;
  • information we receive from third parties including LifeBid customers and partners;
  • publicly available sources;
  • using cookies and similar technologies;


The types of personal information that we can collect and hold include:

  • name;
  • contact details including address, email address and telephone number;
  • messages and story’s containing personal details you send us via our website or in emails;
  • information about your location at the time you use any of our websites, software or services;
  • information about the device that you use to access our websites, software or services;
  • other details about how or when you used any of our websites, software or services, or the services of any of our customers and partners;
  • images of you such as those available on LinkedIn or other public websites, forums and publications;


If you visit our website, we may collect the following information:

  • internet service provider;
  • server or IP address;
  • date and time of visit;
    length of session;
  • pages visited;
  • documents downloaded;
  • the website that referred you to our website;
  • the type of browser that you are using;
  • if you have visited our website before.

‍The above information does not personally identify you.

Disclosure Of Your Personal Information

LifeBid never sells any personal information.

LifeBid may disclose your personal information to:

  • our related entities;
  • lawyers and other professional advisers;
  • our service providers, contractors, agents, associates and business partners;
  • LifeBid customers and partners who are licensed to use our software to provide services to you;
  • any entity to which we are required or authorised by or under law to disclose such information.

LifeBid will never use or disclose any sensitive information for marketing purposes.

We may use and disclose your personal information (other than sensitive information) to provide you with information about products or services offered by LifeBid or other companies or entities that are customers and partners of LifeBid.

If at any time you do not wish to receive marketing material from us or you do not want your information disclosed for marketing purposes, please either opt out of the communications you do not wish to proceed with, or contact our Privacy Officer and we will remove your details from our marketing database.

Data Integrity

LifeBid endeavours to ensure that all personal information that it holds is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist us with this, individuals should contact us if any of their personal information changes, or if they believe that the personal information we have is not accurate or complete.


When personal information that we collect is no longer required by LifeBid, we will destroy or de-identify that personal information unless we are required by law or a court/tribunal to retain the personal information.

We may retain personal information for so long as it is required for any of our business purposes, for the prevention of fraud, for insurance and governance purposes and in our IT back-up.


While we will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, you should be aware that no system is completely secure against cyber attack.

In addition, the open nature of the internet is such that information exchanged via the internet may be accessed and used by people other than those for whom the data is intended. Any information sent via the internet is sent at the sender’s risk.

You should contact us immediately if you believe that there has been unauthorised access or disclosure with respect to any personal information that we hold about you.

Disclosure Overseas

LifeBid is unlikely to disclose your personal information overseas, however if we do so, it will be in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

You consent to any disclosure of your personal information by LifeBid overseas on the understanding that if the overseas recipient handles the personal information in breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, the entity will not be accountable under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), and you will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The overseas recipient may not be subject to privacy obligations or to any principles similar to the Australian Privacy Principles. Individuals may not be able to seek redress in some overseas jurisdictions, and overseas recipients may be subject to a foreign law that could compel the disclosure of personal information to a third party, such as an overseas authority.

De-Identified Data

You consent to LifeBid using and disclosing your de-identified data (data that no longer identifies you) for any purpose, including without limitation research, statistical analysis, product development, marketing and business planning. We undertake technical measures to make sure that this data cannot be associated back to you.

Government-Related Identifiers

LifeBid does not collect or use any government-related identifiers, such as driver’s licence or passport numbers.

Access And Correction

Individuals can request access to their personal information held by LifeBid by sending a written request to our Privacy Officer.

LifeBid does not impose a charge for making a request for access, however we may charge for reasonable administrative costs incurred in providing access.

You can ask our Privacy Officer to request or update your personal information. LifeBid does not impose any charge with respect to requests for correction or updates.

Before providing access to personal information, or correcting or updating personal information, LifeBid will require your identity to be confirmed.

Requests for access or correction may be refused upon the grounds contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). If we refuse to provide access, or to correct or update personal information, LifeBid will provide you with reasons for the refusal. If we refuse to correct your personal information you have the right to associate with the information a statement that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. We will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to associate that statement with all records we hold that contain the relevant information.


Privacy related complaints should be directed to our Privacy Officer in writing at the address below.

We will do our best to ensure that our investigation is completed, and a decision about your complaint is communicated to you, within 30 days of our being advised of the complaint. We will inform you if we need more time.

If you are dissatisfied with LifeBid’s response, you can take your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Post: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001

Fax: +61 2 9284 9666


LifeBid's Privacy Officer

LifeBid’s Privacy Officer’s contact details are:


Phone: 02 8543 7099

Address: Suites 3, 4 & 5, 197 Washington Drive, BONNET BAY NSW 2226

Effect Of This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy does not create any rights or obligations that you can legally enforce beyond the rights and obligations provided by the Australian Privacy Principles.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This policy may be amended from time to time. We will publish any updated versions of this policy on our website at

By continuing to use any LifeBid website, software or service, you will be deemed to have consented to any amended versions of this policy that are published on our website.

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